visa requirements


Iranian Visa Requirements

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be pleased to offer visa services to foreign nationals intending to travel to Iran. As of ... 2017 all visa applications will be handled through

Different types of visas:

1.     Business Visa

  1. Transit Visa
  2. Tourist visa
  3. Visa on Arrival
  4. Former Iranian nationals visa request
  5. Visa for foreign nationals married to Iranian women
  6. Visa for foreign nationals with Iranian mothers
  7. Special types of visa

For information about required documents for each type of visa, please refer to the appropriate section.


1.    Business Visa

Required documents for business visa

1.1  completed visa application form submitted through

1.2  Tracking code obtained upon submission of the application form or Visa reference number (provided by the Iranian business partner)

1.3  Invitation from business partner in Iran;

1.4  Applicant's passport with at least six months of validity;

1.5  A recommendation letter from the applicant's employer stating reason for travel to Iran;

1.6   International Health Insurance;

1.7  Visa fee

Please note:

  • Multiple-entry visa is subject to permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following negotiations with the applicant's business partner in Iran;
  • Fingerprints are required for all visa applicants from certain countries. Electronic fingerprints will be collected for all 10 fingers at the Consular Section.


2.    Transit Visa

Transit Visa may be issued to individuals intending to travel to a third country via the Islamic Republic of Iran. This type of visa is for a maximum 7-day period

Required Documents:

2.1  completed visa application form submitted through

2.2  Tracking code obtained upon submission of the application form

2.3  A valid visa from the destination country;

2.4  Confirmed ticket to a third country;

2.5  Applicant's passport with at least six months of validity;

2.6  International Health Insurance;

2.7 Visa fee.


3.    Tourist Visa

Danish citizens and individuals with permanent residence permits in Denmark can apply for a tourist visa to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran. All such requests will be handled through travel agencies (visa services) only. Direct submissions to this Embassy will not be processed.

Required Documents:

3.1  completed visa application form submitted through

3.2  Tracking code obtained upon submission of the application form

3.3  Applicant's passport with at least six months of validity;

3.4  International Health Insurance;

3.5 Visa fee.


4.    Port of Entry Visa

The Passport Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the authority to issue visas at Tehran IKIA, Mashhad, Shiraz, and Tabriz airports as well as other designated points of entry into Iran to citizens holding ordinary passports of the following countries for a maximum period of 15 days, renewable upon entry into the country:

Albania - Armenia - Australia - Austria - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Belgium - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Brazil - Bulgaria - China - Colombia - Cuba - Croatia - Cyprus - Denmark - France - Georgia - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Italy - Ireland -  Japan - Kuwait - Kyrgyzstan - Lebanon - Luxembourg  - Mexico - Mongolia - Netherlands - New Zealand - North Korea -  Norway - Oman - Peru - Poland - Portugal - Qatar - Romania - Russian Federation - Saudi Arabia - Singapore - Slovakia - South Korea - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Syria - Tajikistan - Thailand - Turkey - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan- Ukraine - United Arab Emirates- Venezuela - Vietnam - Yugoslavia


  • It should be noted that this type of visa is only for the purpose of tourism for nationals of the above-mentioned countries who carry original passports of their countries.
  • The above procedure does not apply to holders of diplomatic and service passports nor journalists and Iranian nationals holding foreign passports.
  • The Embassy recommended all applicants some inconvenience matter such as staying in a long queue and possibility of visa rejection, apply their visa through the consular section of the Embassy.


5.    Visa request by former Iranian nationals

Former Iranian nationals who have relinquished their Iranian nationality in accordance with the civil laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran can apply for a visa to travel to Iran.

Required Documents:

5.1  completed visa application form submitted through;

5.2  Tracking code obtained upon submission of the application form;

5.3  A copy of document relinquishing Iranian nationality;

5.4  Applicant's passport with at least six months of validity;

5.5  International Health Insurance;

5.6   Visa fee.

 Please note: Processing time for this kind of visa might be longer than usual

6.    Visa for foreign nationals married with Iranian women

Citizens of other countries who are married to Iranian women are able to apply for a visa to visit Iran, accompanied with their families.

Required Documents:

6.1  completed visa application form submitted through;

6.2  Tracking code obtained upon submission of the application form;

6.3  Copy of Iranian marriage certificate;

6.4  Applicant's passport with at least six months of validity;

6.5   Visa fee.


7.    Visa for foreign nationals born to Iranian mothers

Foreign nationals born to Iranian mothers are able to apply for a visa to travel to Iran.

Required Documents:

7.1  completed visa application form submitted through;

7.2  Tracking code obtained upon submission of the application form;

7.3  Copy of birth certificate;

7.4  Copy of Iranian marriage certificate of the parents;

7.5  For applicants under 18 years of age formal permission of their father, certified by a Notary public;

7.6  Applicant's passport with at least six months of validity;

7.7 Visa fee.


8.    Special types visa for work in Iran, Journalists, academic and educational purposes, and holders of diplomatic and service passports.


8.1 All visa applications under these categories shall be coordinated with the Cultural Section of the Embassy. Please call +45 - 39 16 00 08

Please note:

  • Incomplete applications shall not be processed;
  • Application processing time is at least 15 working days;
  • Applicants can be invited for interviews by the Consular Section, if necessary;
  • Decision to issue visas lies at the discretion of the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and they are not bound to give reasons for any possible rejection of visa applications;
  • Submission of required documents for a visa does not guarantee positive answer;
  • Foreign nationals under the age of 18 need their parent's permission, approved by a Notary Public, to obtain visas to Iran;
  • Foreign nationals with valid passports are able to travel to Iranian Free Economic Zones, such as Kish, Qeshm and Chahbahar with a 14 day-stay visa obtained at the port of entry;
  • Visitors who have entered Free Economic Zones on the 14-day visas but intend to travel to other destinations within the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran must apply for visas at the representative office of the Ministry of foreign affairs located in the Free Economic Zones;
  • Iranians who have not relinquished their Iranian nationality are not allowed to travel to the Islamic Republic of Iran with foreign travel documents. These individuals can only travel to Iran with a valid Iranian travel document;
  • Visa applications will be processed for nationals of all countries EXCEPT Occupied Palestine (Israel);
  • In case of visa refusal the visa fee is not refundable.